Moses and the burning bush

Biblical Literacy for Catechists: Moses, Deliverer of His People

This is the third article in a series about figures in Salvation history and their relevance for catechists. Moses’s name might conjure up images of Charlton Heston in The Ten Commandments or the 1998 animated film The Prince of Egypt. Moses’s life was so dramatic that it still inspires us today. His story is also part of our Salvation History. Through Moses, God saved his people. This tale is so important that it is retold […]

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Intermediate Grades

Summary of Session on Moses/Exodus (12/10/13)

Tuesday’s session on Moses and the Exodus event was a very enriching experience! Unfortunately, we had 2 students absent, including the one who asked the great question last week about whether or not God was doing bad things by sending the plagues upon the Egyptians. I had hoped she would be present to benefit from our further exploration of the topic. We started by giving the kids a quiz on the first 3 commandments which […]

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Session 12 (Dec. 10, 2013) – God Leads His People from Slavery in Egypt to Freedom (part 2)

For this week’s session, we will finish our exploration of the great Exodus story! BIG IDEA: God Leads His People from Slavery in Egypt to Freedom PRELIMINARY (15 mins) Begin with opening procession to O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Aaron Shust). Opening prayer ritual Quiz on the first 3 Commandments (Commandments Quiz 1 to 3) ENGAGE (10 mins) Review questions 1 through 8 on the Prince of Egypt Video Discussion Guide Pick up discussion of […]

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Intermediate Grades

Session 11 (Dec. 3, 2013) – God Leads His People from Slavery in Egypt to Freedom

Here is my plan for this evening’s session. BIG IDEA: God Leads His People from Slavery in Egypt to Freedom PRELIMINARY (10 mins) Begin with opening procession to O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Aaron Shust). Bell ringer = Maddie Opening prayer ritual (final collection for Catholic Relief Services – Philippines) Instead of sharing petitions, sit quietly and listen again to O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, reflecting on how/where we need God to come into our […]

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Intermediate Grades

Connecting Exodus, Passover, and the Sacraments of Initiation

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am preparing a lesson on the Sacraments of Initiation for this Monday evening and plan to connect it to our study of the Old Testament, in particular, the Exodus/Passover story. As part of that, I put together a review of the Exodus/Passover story – 10 pictures from the Exodus story that need to be placed in order – that can be used in one of 2 ways: I […]

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Intermediate Grades

Substitute Lesson Plan

This coming Monday, November 12, I am going to be on the road and will not be able to teach my 6th graders 🙁 so I prepared a simple lesson plan for the substitute catechist to complete in my place. The focus continues to be on Moses and the Exodus/Passover event. Here’s what I sent to my DRE: Hi Arlene, For Monday (11/12), please have a sub do the following: Distribute Finding God student books (they […]

teaching sixth grade
Intermediate Grades

Getting Ready for Moses!

This coming Monday, my sixth-grade religious education class will move forward in our Old Testament exploration to encounter da man: Moses! The story of the Exodus/Passover event is the centerpiece of the Old Testament and Moses is the “standard of excellence” when it comes to OT characters! With that in mind, we are going to begin by showing a good chunk (50 minutes) of The Prince of Egypt, beginning with the scene where Moses encounters […]

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Intermediate Grades

October 29 Session Summary – Part III: Getting Down to Business

Here’s the third installment of a summary of this past Monday’s session on Abraham and God’s plan for salvation. About a half-hour into the session, after prayer and reviewing the previous session (and a ton of Q & A!), I then arranged the kids in pairs and assigned them a passage about Abraham that they were to read in their Bibles and report on (using this worksheet). As I suspected, they were loathe to move […]

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Teaching the Bible to 6th Graders Last Night

As one of my “catechist-at-large” responsibilities, I did an introduction to the Bible last evening with the 6th graders at Most Holy Redeemer parish in Evergreen Park, IL. It was a very enjoyable experience. Here are the details: There were about 30-35 kids present along with their 3 catechists and 3 aides. Each child had a New American Bible (although there were 2 different editions which precluded me from relying on page numbers. I don’t mind, […]