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Comings & Goings

A Peek at My Springfield Trip

Over the past few days, I’ve enjoyed a visit to Springfield, IL, for the installation of my brother Tom as bishop. We had a wonderful time and it was a fantastic celebration. Here are a few pics. In the sacristy after the Installation Mass with just part of the family.           A visit from Abraham Lincoln at the reception at the Old State Capitol               […]

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Rockin’ in Rockville Centre, NY!

Over the next couple of days, I’ll be spending time with a number of catechetical leaders in Rockville Centre, NY, talking about how to take care of our catechists! At least I don’t have to worry anymore about where and how I’m gonna catch the next Blackhawks’ playoff game while I’m on the road. The only thing I may miss is a Cubs game and, with the way they’re playing this year, that’s not a […]

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Comings & Goings

Thanks, Seattle!

I enjoyed my first visit to Seattle and spent the day with about 100 catechetical leaders talking about how to care for our catechists. I had a wonderful time and I’d like to thank all the good folks in Seattle who welcomed me and made me feel so at home. Thanks also for all of the wonderful participation in this day of formation. You inspired me greatly! Here are the smiling faces that I got […]

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Shout Out to Columbus, Ohio

A great big SHOUT OUT to all the good folks of the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, who came out to spend a day with me exploring how to take care of our catechists, ensuring that their formation pays attention to 3 dimensions: being, knowing, and doing. Thanks for such a great day!                   Mixing pleasure with business, I was able to bring my mom along to Columbus […]

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Vegas and Springfield on my Mind

I haven’t had much Internet access for a couple of days, but I wanted to say hi and let you all know that I am having a fantastic time at the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership in Vegas. I’ll have pics and some thoughts by Thursday when I get home. Also, I’m happy to share that my brother Tom has been named the Bishop of Springfield, Il, which is about 3 hours from Chicago! […]

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Comings & Goings

Thank You, San Diego!

Many, many thanks to all the good folks who came out in San Diego over the past couple of days to talk about catechizing junior high kids! I had a great time and I hope you did too! Thanks to Mary Jo Waggoner and Enedina Saucedo for their hospitality and for arranging for this experience to take place. Thanks especially to mis amigos Miguel Arias and Luis Ramirez for all their hard work and for […]

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Comings & Goings

Chicago: 81, San Diego 65

No that’s not a basketball score! They are the temperatures in these respective cities! It just so happens that I am in San Diego right now and while it is a beautiful sunny day here, I can’t believe that Chicago is 15 degrees warmer! Anyway, I’m not complaining. It’s my first time in San Diego and it is beautiful! I’m looking forward to speaking to a group of junior high catechists and youth ministers tonight […]

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Joe's Comings and Goings

Here’s My Presentation from L.A.

As promised, here is the pdf of the Powerpoint presentation (notes view pages) from my workshop in Los Angeles: “The Spirituality of the Catechist: Re-igniting the Flame.”  LA – Spirituality of the Catechist

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Comings & Goings

Thanks, Detroit!

I spent a wonderful day with about 75 catechetical leaders in Detroit today at a gathering sponsored by the Detroit Society of Catechetical Leaders. We talked about A Well-Built Faith and how we can help our catechists (and those they teach) to be able to grasp their faith and be able to talk about it with greater ease. Thanks for your hospitality and best wishes to all of you in the Detroit Archdiocese!

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Detroit Society of Catechetical Leaders

Greetings from Detroit where I’m spending the morning with the Detroit Society of Catechetical Leaders talking about A Well-Built Faith! Luckily I did not have to miss one of my Monday night sessions with my 8th graders since yesterday, March 1, was Casimir Pulaski Day in Illinois, a state holiday, so we had no class. This coming Sunday is  Confirmation and for once, I have the opportunity to actually attend the Confirmation Mass to see […]