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Understanding the Holy Father’s Apostolic Exhortation – Evangelii Gaudium

By now, I’m sure you know that Pope Francis issued an extraordinary document last week, an Apostolic Exhortation – Evangelii Gaudium (ee-van-JEH-lee-ee GOW-dee-um). If you get a chance to read it on your own, I encourage you to, however, it is rather long. With that in mind, I thought I would give it a good read and then provide you with a summary, which you can access below. Evangelii Gaudium Summary by Joe Paprocki Also, […]

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Catechetical Issues & Topics

Save the Date: April 27, 2014 for the Canonization of JPII and JohnXXIII

The BIG day has been set: Pope Francis will canonize (raise to sainthood) two of his predecessors: Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII on April 27, 2014! Here are the details from Deacon Greg Kendra at The Deacon’s Bench. This will be a great opportunity for catechists to teach about sainthood, the canonization process, the papacy, and the many issues that both of these great men stood for, fought for, and spoke about. […]

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Final Installment from Dr. Joe Bound, Our Pilgrim Reporter in Italy

Over the course of this past week, we’ve been blessed with firsthand reports of the Pilgrimage to Italy and the International Conference for Catechesis from Dr. Joe Bound, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Green Bay; a man dedicated to sound catechesis. Thanks, Dr. Joe, for your excellent reports! We appreciate you taking the time to share your summaries as well as your impressions of the experience of the pilgrimage! Safe travels […]

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Being a Catechist

VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy: Time to “Fly” Home!

My how the time has flown! It seems like just yesterday that we arrived in Italy for our VIRTUAL pilgrimage and now, here we are, packing our virtual bags and getting ready for our virtual flight home! I hope you’ve enjoyed this little journey! It’s been nice traveling with you. Before we leave, we will celebrate a wonderful liturgy with our Holy Father, Pope Francis and then one more exquisite dining experience! Today, we’ll gather […]

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Being a Catechist

VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy, Day 6: The Tomb of St. Peter

After all of the VIRTUAL walking we did on the first several days of our VIRTUAL pilgrimage to Italy, my VIRTUAL feet were a tad tired! It was nice to sit yesterday at the International Conference for Catechists and to soak up so much wisdom concerning the catechetical ministry. Wasn’t Pope Francis wonderful? I love his comment about not keeping Jesus to ourselves lest we become like statues in a wax museum “and we have […]

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Being a Catechist

Update from Dr. Joe Bound – International Conference for Catechists

Our “roving reporter,” Dr. Joe Bound, sent in this superb summary of the first full day of the International Conference for Catechists taking place at the Vatican (he’s REALLY there!). Take it away, Dr. Joe! Hi Joe, Here is what happened today, Saturday, September 27, 2013: This morning after breakfast, the four of us hopped on the bus to the Vatican for a full day of talks on catechesis.  After going through security, we entered […]

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Being a Catechist

VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy, Day 5: Getting Down to Business

Up to this point, our VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy has been filled with lots of sight-seeing which has been wonderful. Today, things get a little different as we jump headlong into the International Conference for Catechesis, the centerpiece of this whole experience to mark the Year of Faith with an emphasis on catechesis. Here’s our itinerary for the day (be sure to bring a notebook and pen with you…looks like lots of opportunities to take […]

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Pope Francis and a Change of Tone and Balance

Recently, my stereo just didn’t sound right: I was playing good music but it wasn’t coming across well. Then I realized some of the settings needed adjustment: the tone and balance were off kilter. Once they were re-set, the sound came through beautifully. In much the same way, Pope Francis’ recent remarkable interview is not calling for a change in doctrine but for a change in tone and balance. When the Holy Father said, ““We […]

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Pope Francis’ First 100 Days

As we mark the first 100 days of the pontificate of Pope Francis, here is a good analysis from the always reliable John Allen: