Here is a resource that you’ll find very helpful: it is a correlation of catechetical video resources for grades 1-8. While it is specifically correlated for the Finding God program, I have no doubt that the resource list will prove handy for folks using any curriculum. The list provides publisher and ISBN information to assist you in tracking down resources through your diocesan media center or directly from publishers.
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Awesome video list! I’m thinking of using Finding God next year and this is yet another reason!
One thing I have noticed is that there aren’t any new Catholic videos or DVDs coming out lately… it seems that most companies are putting their videos on DVD, but not coming out with new material.
For example, Grandma’s Bread is a good video, but it’s dated. What is going on with no new Catholic media coming out? Any ideas?
I’m sure it’s not a big money maker, but religious education isn’t a big money maker.
It’s hard using old videos with kids because technology is such a big thing these days. I had a kid comment when I showed this Easter story video that had old animation in it. I know there has to be more to our faith than just technology, but let’s be honest technology is huge today!
I’m frustrated I can’t find new resources. Any suggestions?
I’m sort of embarrassed to use old videos!
Jenn, I’m glad you’re finding the video list to be a helpful resource. You are on target about the lack of new Catholic videos. I would suggest you contact your diocesan media center (or, if your diocese does not have one, contact one from a diocese that does, such as Chicago’s Jegen Center – and ask them about the most current videos available. Be sure to also look into Sr. Rose Pacatte’s Web site in which she talks about how to use contemporary media (mainly movies) for catechesis:
Hi I’m Bobby I have been assisting my grandson’s catechism teacher’s for the last 3 years, I am 54 years old and was surprised by some of the questions the children would come up with. So as my CFF coordinator told me that we might lose 3 teachers this year and how she was praying for replacements I considered it and with help I hope to become more involved. I feel like an infant coming closer to God and my faith I feel a need and like there is someone pushing me this way or calling me. I attended Catholic school for 7 years but I’m learning more now and have a need to go forward with these thoughts and prayers. I have other grandchildren coming into CFF so I’ll be in this position for quite a while and need to learn how to talk to them in a way that they will understand and retain what we pass on to them.