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Connecting Exodus, Passover, and the Sacraments of Initiation
As I mentioned in a previous post, I am preparing a lesson on the Sacraments of Initiation for this Monday evening and plan to connect it to our study of the Old Testament, in particular, the Exodus/Passover story. As part of that, I put together a review of the Exodus/Passover story – 10 pictures from the Exodus story that need to be placed in order – that can be used in one of 2 ways: I […]
Session 8 (11/12/13): Abraham Teaches Us that God Cares
My friend and co-worker, Kate, has a hilarious habit of zipping by my cubicle in a feigned huff and claiming, “You don’t care!” Before I can even respond, she’s gone! While we laugh at Kate’s antics, the truth is, too many people feel as if no one cares about them. The story of Abraham teaches us that God indeed cares! In fact, God has a plan for us that has our best interests at heart. It’s […]
Encountering God in the Bible
After what seemed like an endless string of interruptions (days off, practices for Seder Meal, Lenten and Holy Week prayer services, etc.) in our regular teaching schedule, I finally get to teach a lesson this coming Monday! With only 3 classes left for teaching, I am going to do one more session on the Bible this Monday before sending their Bibles home with them. Here’s my plan: Session 23 – Encountering God in the Bible Session […]
I am teaching 6th grade this year, have taught 8th grade Confirmation the past 2 years. I love your website, plus I have 2 of your books. Thanks for your inspirtion and help!
Constance R. Metzger
Thanks for the kind words, Constance! Hope you have a stellar year!
You truly are my guru !!! I can’t wait to try this! So excited. I did the sacrament learning stations what a hit for the parish!
Thanks so much for your inspiration
You GO, Geri!
Hi Joe,
Like Constance, I’m teaching 6th grade this year, too (I’ve also taught 1st and 3rd thru 5th). I’m really happy I can “steal” such great ideas from you. Our Parish’s first session is this coming Monday. Thanks for sharing with us, Joe.
kate, you can’t steal if it’s being given away! 😉