As we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, we are reminded of the importance of the body in our spirituality. Our belief that Mary was assumed body and soul is a reinforcement of our belief in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is a bodily Resurrection. We Catholics do not belief that death results in an eternity of floating around as a disembodied spirit. Rather, we look forward to the resurrection of the body.
When my siblings and I visit our mom at the nursing home, we make sure that our visits involve as much touch as possible: kissing, hugging, snuggling, holding hands, brushing hair, massaging shoulders, holding faces, and so on. Elderly people are too often touch-deprived. The Feast of the Assumption reminds us of the importance of our bodies. With that in mind, here is a lovely Blessing of the Body, written by Joyce Rupp.

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