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Intermediate Grades

Sacraments of Initiation: I Pledge Allegiance…

I’m on my way to Brooklyn, NY, for a presentation this evening, however, here’s my latest thinking about  teaching the Sacraments of Initiation this Monday and tying it to the Old Testament. I plan to introduce the session by inviting the kids to say the Pledge of Allegiance and to talk about what it means to pledge one’s allegiance to someone or something (loyalty, obedience). I’ll use that as an opportunity to talk about how […]

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Intermediate Grades

The Ark of the Covenant

My session on Monday evening focused on the Temple of Solomon and the question of where it is that we find the presence of God. After reading from our Finding God book about Solomon’s Temple and the placement of the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies, representing the presence of God in the midst of Israel, we read John 2: 13-22 in which Jesus cleanses the Temple and then claims, “destroy this […]

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Intermediate Grades

Solomon’s Temple: Where Do We Experience the Presence of God?

Here’s my lesson plan for Monday evening (Dec. 17) Session 12: Solomon’s Temple BIG IDEA:  God’s presence is found, not in a building, but in the People of God and in the Eucharist. Preliminaries (20 mins) Advent Procession – O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Tribute to those who died in the CT massacre – ring chime 26 times…one for each victim Video: We Can Build a Beautiful City Engage (10 mins) Play “Where’s Waldo?” game. Explain […]

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Online Retreat for Catechists

Year of Faith Retreat – Week 2, Day 3: “I Just Melted” (The Sacraments of Initiation)

WEEK TWO: Sacraments (Celebrating the Christian Mystery) DAY 3: “I Just Melted” (The Sacraments of Initiation) I remember asking my Dad before he passed away how it is that he and Mom never fought throughout their nearly 50 years of marriage. He said that, when they were dating, Mom once stood him up because she was unable to get back in time from another outing. He said he was all set to ream her out the […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

Savoring the Liturgy

Savoring seems to be a lost art in our fast-food culture. We usually associate the word savor with food or drink. We savor a delicious bite of food or a sip of good wine. To savor literally means to “give oneself to the enjoyment of.” It means to be mindful of that which you are eating and drinking – to unite body and mind in the present moment of tasting. I believe that we are […]

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7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness

What Are YOU Doing to Maintain Your Spiritual Wellness?

In last night’s Webinar on The 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness (if you missed it, a recording will be available here on my blog within a few days), I began by asking what folks are doing to maintain their spiritual wellness before I added my suggestions. Here’s a sampling of what folks are doing (I love the variety!)   What are YOU doing to maintain your spiritual wellness? Daily mass Daily prayer active participation in […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Len Astrowski Teaches About the Sacraments of Initiation

In this segment of Catechists in Action, 7th grade catechist Len Astrowski discusses the Sacraments of Initiation with his class. Watch for the following: Len asks if anyone can recall the 3 Sacraments of Initiation a student responds correctly Len joyfully and enthusiastically affirms her correct answer!!! Len reviews other important points from the chapter, explains them in his own words, and asks students to explain their understanding. This is a good example of informal […]

Catechists in Action
Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Len Astrowski Discusses the Eucharist

In this segment of Catechists in Action, seventh-grade catechist Len Astrowski leads a discussion on the Eucharist. Watch for the following: Len reviews the main points of the chapter on Eucharist with his students, asking them to identify the main points that were covered. Notice how Len gently pushes the student responding to take his answer further. Len talks about the fast-food phenomenon and uses that to contrast with the importance of the Eucharist. Len […]

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Growing as a Catechist

5th Anniversary Celebration – Guest Blogger #6: Lisa Hendey

Today’s guest blogger hosts one of the most popular blogs in the Catholic blogosphere! Lisa M. Hendey is the founder and editor of and the author of A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms and The Handbook for Catholic Moms. She hosts the Catholic Moments podcast and actively speaks around the country on faith, family life and social media topics.  In an email to me, Lisa said, “I am not a catechist (and never have […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

What Do You Think About Teaching Masses?

Many parish religious education programs host something called a “teaching Mass” which is a Mass during which the priest catechizes about the various parts and aspects of the Mass. Here’s an example. And another. I understand the thinking behind doing a teaching Mass and I applaud pastors and catechetical leaders who are doing all they can to teach about the Mass. We want children and families to have a better understanding of the liturgy which […]