young woman looking at her reflection in pool - text: Reflecting on Our Individual and Communal Prayer Mini-Retreat - Malte Mueller/fStop/Getty Images
Online Retreat for Catechists

Reflecting on Our Individual and Communal Prayer Mini-Retreat: The Lord’s Prayer

In preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025, Pope Francis has asked Catholics to prepare by dedicating time in 2024 to “promote initiatives to remind people of the centrality of both individual prayer and community prayer.” With that in mind, I invite you to the final part of our three-part mini-retreat devoted to reflecting on our individual and communal prayer. May your life of prayer be enriched and filled with abundant blessings! The Lord’s Prayer Who is […]

young woman looking at her reflection in pool - text: Reflecting on Our Individual and Communal Prayer Mini-Retreat - Malte Mueller/fStop/Getty Images
Online Retreat for Catechists

Reflecting on Our Individual and Communal Prayer Mini-Retreat: Family Heirlooms

In preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025, Pope Francis has asked Catholics to prepare by dedicating time in 2024 to “promote initiatives to remind people of the centrality of both individual prayer and community prayer.” With that in mind, I invite you to part two of our three-part mini-retreat devoted to reflecting on our individual and communal prayer. May your life of prayer be enriched and filled with abundant blessings! Family Heirlooms I was born in […]

young woman looking at her reflection in pool - text: Reflecting on Our Individual and Communal Prayer Mini-Retreat - Malte Mueller/fStop/Getty Images
Online Retreat for Catechists

Reflecting on Our Individual and Communal Prayer Mini-Retreat: Pray Without Ceasing

In preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025, Pope Francis has asked Catholics to prepare by dedicating time in 2024 to “promote initiatives to remind people of the centrality of both individual prayer and community prayer.” With that in mind, I invite you to a three-part mini-retreat devoted to reflecting on our individual and communal prayer. May your life of prayer be enriched and filled with abundant blessings! Pray Without Ceasing I’m sure you are familiar […]

Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope logo - four figures embracing the cross, which turns into an anchor over the waves at the bottom
Prayer/Guided Reflections

2024: A Year of Prayer in Preparation for Jubilee 2025

As I’ve shared previously, Pope Francis has announced a Jubilee Year for 2025 with the theme of “Pilgrims of Hope.” In preparation for the Jubilee Year, Pope Francis asked Catholics to prepare by dedicating time in 2023 to studying the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Pope Francis has called for 2024 to be a Year of Prayer. The Jubilee website suggests the following: In preparation for the Jubilee, dioceses are invited to promote initiatives […]

Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope logo - four figures embracing the cross, which turns into an anchor over the waves at the bottom
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Preparing for the Jubilee Year of 2025: Getting to Know the Four Constitutions of Vatican II

With each passing day, we are inching closer to the celebration of a Jubilee Year in 2025, with the theme of “Pilgrims of Hope.” As I have mentioned here previously, in preparation for the Jubilee Year, Pope Francis is asking Catholics to prepare by dedicating time in the following manner: 2023: Study the documents of the Second Vatican Council. 2024: Focus on prayer. To assist with a study of the documents of the Second Vatican […]

Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope logo - four figures embracing the cross, which turns into an anchor over the waves at the bottom
Being a Catechist

Who’s Got Your Back? The Catechist’s Reliance on Church Documents

Have you ever noticed that when an attorney gives a press conference, he or she is almost always positioned in front of a bookcase full of law books? The message is a not-so-subtle reminder that the attorney is backed by the law that is contained in those books. The placement of those bookcases represents the law stating unequivocally, “I’ve got his/her back!” Attorneys, of course, must be familiar with the contents of these books if […]

Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope logo - four figures embracing the cross, which turns into an anchor over the waves at the bottom
Catechetical Issues & Topics

Preparing for the Jubilee Year of 2025: Pilgrims of Hope

Pope Francis has announced that the Church will celebrate a Jubilee Year in 2025, with the theme of “Pilgrims of Hope.” In preparation for the Jubilee Year, Pope Francis is asking Catholics to prepare by dedicating time in the following manner: 2023: Study the documents of the Second Vatican Council. 2024: Focus on prayer. Now that 2023 is upon us, we would do well to turn our attention to the documents of the Second Vatican […]