A Church on the Move by Joe Paprocki - book cover

A Church on the Move: 52 Ideas in 52 Minutes

There is no time like the present for a parish to pause and take stock of its way of proceeding in order to reignite energy, stop doing things “the way we’ve always done them,” and become a Church on the move! To assist in this endeavor, I’ve recorded a free presentation. In this presentation, I offer a fast-paced look at the suggestions from my book, A Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission […]

Reigniting the Post-Pandemic Church Webinar with Joe Paprocki and Julianne Stanz

Re-Igniting the Post-Pandemic Church: Whatever You Do, Don’t Return to “Normal”!

I’m very excited to be partnering once again with my friend and collaborator Julianne Stanz, from the Diocese of Green Bay, to offer a timely and engaging webinar: Re-Igniting the Post-Pandemic Church: Whatever You Do, Don’t Return to “Normal”! Wednesday, June 16, 2021 1:30–3:30 p.m. Central Twenty years from now, what will people say about this time in history and how we responded as a Church? While we all long for some semblance of “normalcy,” […]

The Seven Ds of Discipleship - illustration of people talking

The Seven Ds of Discipleship: #7 Doing

This is the seventh and final post in a series about discipleship. We have explored the following keys of discipleship—desire, discernment, decision-making, discipline, dwelling in the Word, and dependence on the Holy Spirit. With this article, we will conclude our series by focusing on a key element of discipleship: doing. Essential to our growth in discipleship is our disposition (being) in relationship to God and how to put our faith at the service of others […]

little girl
Catechetical Leaders

What a Little Girl Taught Me About Strengthening Parish Staffs

Strengthening parish staffs has always been a cause of mine. I have ministered within a school and a parish setting, and in both cases was a part of the parish staff. I have rejoiced to be a member of a parish staff that lived vibrancy. I have also been saddened to be a member of a staff that struggled greatly and needed strengthening in order to exercise its mission and its existence effectively. Living out […]

young woman reading the Bible
Catechetical Leaders

An Openness to the Word

The Church’s deepest nature is expressed in her three-fold responsibility: of proclaiming the word of God (kerygma-martyria), celebrating the sacraments (leitourgia), and exercising the ministry of charity (diakonia). These duties presuppose each other and are inseparable. (Deus Caritas Est, 25) I find this quote from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to be a powerful reminder of the intimate relationship between charity and the Word of God. Charity, he seems to remind us, is an expression of […]

Spirituality of the Catechist: Online Retreat for Catechists
Online Retreat for Catechists

Missionary Zeal

This reflection is part of the Spirituality of the Catechist Online Retreat. We were created by God for a very specific reason; God has a unique and important job for each of us: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19–20) As Christians, we all […]

Spirituality of the Catechist: Online Retreat for Catechists
Online Retreat for Catechists

The Spirituality of the Catechist: A Missionary Zeal (Online Retreat Week 6)

Welcome back to our online retreat, the Spirituality of the Catechist. In this week, we focus on the fifth aspect of a catechist’s spirituality: A Missionary Zeal. If you’re just joining us, you can go back and catch up on earlier weeks at any time. You might also like to return to a previous week to share some thoughts in the comments section. This online retreat house is always open for your questions and insights. […]

Liturgy and Sacraments

Forming Children and Youth for the Mass, Part 8: Mission

This is the last article in a series about forming children for active participation in the Mass. The word Mass comes from “missa est” (Latin for “it is sent”). The dismissal formula variations in the Roman Missal are meaningful. “Go forth, the Mass is ended.” “Go in peace.” “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.” “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” These convey a clear sense of mission. The command “Go” […]

Caravaggio's "Conversion of Saint Paul on the Way to Damascus"
Junior High

St. Paul, Conversion, and Mission

As the year winds down, we’re taking a session to talk about St. Paul and his conversion and missionary journeys. Our guide is Finding God, Grade 7, Chapter 23, but as usual, I’m using that as a jumping off point rather than following the book’s lesson plan word for word. We are all called to conversion and mission in our ongoing faith journeys, and that’s the point of this lesson (the “big idea” as Joe […]

finding Jesus in the Temple
Junior High

Growing in Wisdom: Discernment for Young People

We know little about the life of Jesus as he grew up, but the one story we have of him as an adolescent can form the basis of a session on family and mission. Using Finding God, Grade 7, Chapter 9, my group will talk about how Jesus grew in age, wisdom, and grace—and what difference it makes to the life of a contemporary junior-high student. We’ll begin by studying the story of the 12-year-old […]