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Being a Catechist

Come Fly with Me on a VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy! Hurry, Our Virtual Plane is Leaving!

Arrivederci! We’re off to Italy today as we begin our VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to join in the celebration of the “Day for Catechists” during the Year of Faith in Rome. The nice thing about a virtual pilgrimage is: NO CONNECTING FLIGHTS! Sit back and enjoy the beautiful view of the ocean (I think our plane could use a little altitude!)   What’s your choice of in-flight meal? Linguine con Cozze (Fresh mussels steamed to perfection and […]

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Being a Catechist

Reminder: VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy Begins Monday!

I hope you have your virtual bags packed and your virtual tickets in hand as we get ready to embark on a VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy, beginning Monday, September 23! As part of the Year of Faith, Pope Francis is hosting a Day for Catechists at the Vatican during the last week of September, 2013, culminating in the International Conference of Catechesis. A delegation of religious educators will be attending via a pilgrimage sponsored by […]

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Being a Catechist

Join Me on a VIRTUAL Pilgrimage to Italy!

As part of the Year of Faith, Pope Francis is hosting a Day for Catechists at the Vatican during the last week of September, 2013, culminating in the International Conference of Catechesis. A delegation of religious educators will be attending via a pilgrimage sponsored by the NCEA  as well as other organizations from September 23 through September 30, 2013. For those of us unable to attend in person, I thought I would offer the opportunity […]

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Lent in a Year of Faith Webinar

Lent in a Year of Faith Webinar – A Note-Taking Sheet

To assist you during this evening’s webinar – Lent in a Year of Faith: How to Proclaim the Gospel with Power – I have put together a Note-Taking Sheet which you can download and print. It’s available in 3 formats in case you have trouble opening one or the other: Lenten Webinar Note Taking Sheet – Word Document Lenten Webinar Note Taking Sheet – Word 97-2003 Lenten Webinar Note Taking Sheet – PDF If you’ve […]

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Comings & Goings

Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadership – Hoosier Catechesis!

I was privileged to spend a wonderful day with nearly 100 catechetical leaders from across the great State of Indiana at the Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadership in Indianapolis. They invited me to be their keynote speaker and to do a couple of breakout sessions and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to spend the day looking at how we can set hearts on fire during this Year of Faith. My deepest thanks and congratulations […]

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A Year of Faith…So What?

OK, that title above might be a little provocative. I am certainly not approaching the Year of Faith with a dismissive attitude. However, the “so what?” question is always key: we need to be able to explain what it is that we do as Catholics and why. So, a Year of Faith…faith in WHAT? Faith in whom? Simply put, our faith is not in a set of ideas or in an institution. It is in […]

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Comings & Goings

Talking About The New Evangelization on A Nun’s Life

Tonight (6:00 – 7:00 pm CT), I’ll be engaged in conversation about the New Evangelization and the Year of Faith with Sr. Julie Vieira, IHM and Sr. Maxine Kollasch, IHM of A Nun’s Life as part of their In Good Faith podcast. You can join in at I had the pleasure of working with Sr. Julie at Loyola Press for several years before she moved on to take on A Nun’s Life as a full-time ministry […]

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Being a Catechist

A Year of Faith Online Retreat – Now in One Place!

This summer, many of you took advantage of an online retreat titled, “Preparing for a Year of Faith” that I offered here on my blog. Over the course of a month, we reflected on and shared insights about the 4 pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Now, you can access the entire retreat in one place! Just click on the Year of Faith banner below: In the future, this will be availabe under […]