Here is the final installment of some more wonderful comments and questions from last evening’s Webinar on my new book, Under the Influence of Jesus: The Transforming Experience of Encountering Christ.
- I find that when I am not at peace all the others become more difficult to demonstrate, easier when I am at peace, trusting God. (Ron W.)
- I wonder how to say “sourpuss” in Latin. I’m picturing the translators debating whether to use “sourpuss” or “crankypants.”
(Susan L.)
- Personal stories are powerful (Joe K.)
- I had heard to look for God in others. Then someone said, “look at others as God would see them”. Made an entirely different outlook to me. (Theresa W.)
- Although my parents were discriminated against and treated unjustly in our little town, and even among the Catholic Church members, and I would get so angry, my mother was tolerant, understanding, and said to pray for these people..she was Jesus filled. (Patricia R.)
- Before the Webinar I reviewed Sunday’s CCD lesson which was on the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Isn’t the Holy Spirit wonderful! I will certainly share your info with the class. (Joanne D.)
- Love the 3 minute retreats! My students do too! They request them bc they don’t often have down time to just be silent with Him. (Tonya C.)
- This was wonderful! Many many things I have covered with my 8th grade classes. I was talking about social justice last night and I used the Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey story. (Diane K.)
- Thanks again for giving us practical ways to spread Jesus’ message to all those we encounter! (Catherine D.)
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