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Continuing Our Discussion of Divine Pedagogy and the Shared Praxis Approach

Last week, we began an excellent conversation about the catechetical process and, in particular, the principles of divine pedagogy and the role of human experience (the shared praxis approach of Dr. Thomas Groome). Thanks to all for your rich insights and thoughts. Today, I’d like to continue that conversation by offering my critique of Dr. Caroline Farey’s article, “The Truth Will Set You Free”), Faith Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 5, Sept-Oct 2009) which I referred […]

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Why the Title “Where Have You Gone, Thomas Groome?”

I had to chuckle at the follow-up email I received from Dr. Thomas Groome, asking why I chose to title my post, “Where Have You Gone, Thomas Groome?” I can understand why he might take exception to that title since he is still very much on the scene! The truth is, the title was intended to be provocative (you know how we bloggers are always trying to capture attention!) The question, “where have you gone, […]

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Welcome, Drs. Groome and Farey to Our Catechetical Conversation

Yesterday, I posted about a current hot catechetical topic which is the role of lived experience in the catechetical process and we’ve begun an excellent conversation (see the comments below that post). I am pleased and honored that Drs. Thomas Groome and Caroline Farey have responded to my invitation to contribute to the conversation. Dr. Groome asked me to post his email (since he doesn’t “do blogs”) and Dr. Farey will join in the conversation […]

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Prayer/Guided Reflections

Resources for Teaching Meditation to Children

While in Tucson, AZ, at their catechetical conference last week, I spent some time at a booth in the exhibit hall sponsored by The World Community for Christian Meditation. There, I found some very nice resources for teaching Christian meditation to children. The WCCM traces its contemporary roots to London, 1975, when John Main established the Christian Meditation Centre. It considers itself a “monastery without walls.” Recently, Bishop Michael Putney of the Diocese of Townsville […]

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Comings & Goings

A Different Kind of Big MAC!

  I had a great time at the MAC (Mid Atlantic Congress) conference in Baltimore this past week and enjoyed numerous opportunities to meet and talk to so many wonderful people. Thanks to all the people who worked so hard to make this conference such a success, especially the Association of Catholic Publishers. For me, the highlights were: getting a chance to listen to Fr. Jim Martin, SJ, once again and to chat with him […]

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Catechists in Action

Catechists in Action – Steve Lascola Begins Class With Prayer

In this segment of Catechists in Action, we see 3rd grade catechist Steve Lascola’s aide leading the children in an opening prayer. Watch for the following: Steve’s aide asks the children for prayers for a member of the catechetical family who has passed away and shows her own emotions over losing a friend…a very moving and appropriate witness of the love that is present in the parish family. Steve welcomes the children after the prayer […]

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Technology in Catechesis

Video Contest!

Where do you find God? Loyola Press is asking students, teachers, and catechists to showcase the inspiring and sometimes-surprising ways they experience God’s presence in their everyday lives through the Finding God Video Contest, an original multimedia project. Schools and parishes who submit videos are eligible to win the following prizes: First prize: School- or parish-wide adoption of the new edition of Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts(grades 1–6) Second prize:$1,000 Loyola Press product […]

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Liturgy and Sacraments

My Copy of the New Roman Missal Has Arrived!

Here it is, folks! After months and months of talking about it, my personal copy of the new Roman Missal arrived today! It’s like Christmas in November for a liturgical/catechetical dork like me! 🙂 Hopefully, you and your parish have been preparing for the implementation of the new translation of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal. Here are some resources that will be of help to you if you’re looking to do some last-minute […]

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Comings & Goings

Thanks to Richmond, VA!

I had a wonderful weekend in Richmond, VA, doing the keynote and a couple of workshops at their “Graced by God” conference. Thanks to Eileen Brown for arranging for me to speak and to Deacon Ed Schmidt who served as my “personal assistant” throughout the day. I immensely enjoyed meeting Ed and spending the day with him and enjoying lunch with him and his wife. Thanks Ed for your selfless diaconal service, not only to […]

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Being a Catechist

Catechists in Action – Meet Nick!

This year, I’m excited to bring a new feature to Catechist’s Journey – Catechists in Action – in which I will be visiting, observing, and videotaping catechists teaching their classes and blogging about the experience. This will give you an opportunity to see fellow catechists “doing their thing” so that you can compare styles, learn some new strategies, and become a more effective catechist yourself. I already have 5 catechist visits lined up for this year. […]